Sample the CVA
Want to sample the CVA?
Click the link below to see what your survey-takers will experience when you initialize and send the survey link to them. If you answer each question and click through each section, you will see all of the survey questions. At the end, you will see a sample of the scoring and recommendations for each section.
If you decide to initiate an actual survey of your congregation, in addition to seeing your own complete survey scoring, you will also be able to revisit your scoring page as others in your congregation complete the survey. You will also get updated scoring and recommendations based on those complete results.
If you decide to subscribe to the Judicatory Bundle, it will allow all congregations survey initiators to see their congregation's results and judicatory administrators to see and compare results from all member congregations. Judicatories also have the opportunity to include a judicatory-specific supplemental survey along with the CVA.